"RIFT" IN G U E S T #24

I'm completely ecstatic to have a poem in issue #24 of G U E S T. The issue is guest edited by Sara Lefsyk, who I thank sincerely (and whose Ethel I adore). You can buy this beautiful object for a very reasonable price here. Thanks also to rob mclennan + above/ground press. I wrote "Rift" in the Cincinnati airport. I'd torn the edge from one of the pages of the tiny journal I was writing in, and when I revised the poem I decided to honor the rift the tear made. On an only-slightly-related note, on Saturday night I viewed FACE/OFF for the first time. I think we can all agree the exact moment the film becomes a masterpiece is when Nicholas Cage walks into a beach church and lights a votive/prayer in slo-mo while attended by doves. This might be my last publication of 2022 depending on when Ethel 10 drops.
